teams - Articles Page

Platform Overview


0 min read • Last updated 12 September 2024

This page describes Identity and Access Management (IAM) teams, which define the scope of a users access.

A team is a collection of scope criteria that define which resources of an organisation a user has access to. For a resource to be available to a user, the user must belong to a team and have an assigned role.

Team Scopes

There are four methods a team’s scope can be defined by:

  • Organisations: Linked organisations for your organisation to advertise with. As a network, these are your linked advertisers. As an advertiser, these are your linked networks.
  • Product Sets: As defined in your product feed.
  • Orders: A list of human readable order names within your organisation.
  • Plans: A list of human readable plan names within your organisation.
  • Wallets: A list of human readable wallet names within your organisation.

To determine which scope your team is defined by, you can use the following method:

  • Navigation to Settings > Organisation > Teams
  • Click the view icon to view the team information
  • Locate the associated scope criteria to the selected scoping method.

Team Components

Each team has the following components:

  • Name: A human-readable name for the team. The team title is used to identify the role in the Users configuration.
  • Scope Method: The available methods to scope the team.
  • Scope Criteria: For each selected method, the criteria to define the scope of the team.
  • User: A list of users assigned to the team.
  • Role: The roles the users occupy within the team.

Users and roles have the following format

User name, Role

For example, a John Smith, Admin pill means that John Smith has the permissions of the admin role within the scope of the current team being viewed.

Creating Teams

Teams are managed within the Zitcha platform. A user with the Role Manager permission will be able to view, create, update and delete users, roles and teams across the organisation, regardless of the scope of their team.

Before you begin: Check if the team already exists.

To create a new team:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Teams
  2. Click Create new team.
  3. Enter a name for the team
  4. From the Teams Scope methods, check the scoping options you’d want to use to define your team.
    Learn about each scoping method
  5. For each scoping method, you’ll need to set the scoping criteria
    • Organisations: Under Organisations, scroll the names of your linked organisations, click to add the organisation to the team scope.
      For example, including the organisation Grocer in the scope means any user within the team has access to all the resources associated with Grocer (i.e. plans, orders, metrics). The actions the user can take on the scoped resources is defined by their role in the team.
    • Product Sets: The product sets defined in your product feed will appear under Product Sets. Scroll and select the product sets to include in the team scope.
    • Orders: Under Orders, scroll and select from the names of existing orders within your organisation.
      For example, including the order Christmas Campaign in the scope means any user within the team has access to resources relating to the Christmas Campaign (i.e. ads and metrics). The actions the user can take on the scoped resources is defined by their role in the team.
    • Plans: Under Plans, scroll and select from the names of existing plans within your organisation.
      For example, including the plan 2024 Brand JBP in the scope means any user within the team has access to resources relating to the 2024 Brand JBP (i.e. ad sets, ads and metrics). The actions the user can take on the scoped resources is defined by their role in the team.
    • Wallets: Under Wallets, scroll or type and select from the names of existing wallets within your organisation. For example, including the wallet 2024 Brand Over and Above in the scope means any user within the team has access to all the resources relating to the wallet 2024 Brand Over and Above (i.e. plans, order and metrics). The actions the user can take on the scoped resources is defined by their role in the team.
  6. Optionally, include users and assign them a role for the team.
  7. Click Create Team.
  8. Follow the steps to assign users to the team.

Editing Teams

Changing the scope of a team may impact the resources that existing users assigned to the team have access to.

Before you begin: Check if the team already exists.

To edit an existing team:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Teams
  2. Click the pen next to the team that you want to edit.
  3. Choose an action:
    • To edit the name of the team, click into the field and make the changes.
    • To edit the scoping method or scoping criteria of the team, select the scope you’d like to update and add or remove scoping criteria.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Deleting Teams

Requirements: To delete a team, you can't be assigned to the team or remove yourself. Contact another super administrator to remove you from the team. Then, follow the steps below to delete the team.

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Teams
  2. Click the pen next to the team that you want to edit.
  3. Click Delete Team.

Assigning Users to Teams

If you don’t want to give a user full access to the Zitcha platform, you can grant them access to only a subset organisational resources. Do this by assigning a user to a team. A user can be a member of more than one team and a user must occupy at least one role for the team.

Before you begin

Step 1: Review any custom teams already in use and their scope.
You must have the Role Manager permission set for this task.

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Teams.
  2. Click the view icon next to the team and see the scope criteria for each scope method as pills under the Team Scope.

Step 2: Decide whether you want to:

  • Assign a user to an existing team, or;
  • Create a new team and assign a user. If so, you need to create the team first. Go to Creating teams.

Depending on your use case, there are two ways to assign a user to one or more teams.

Assigning multiple users to a team

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Teams.
  2. Create a new team or find the team in the list.
  3. Click the pen icon next to the team you’d like to assign users to.
  4. Under User, scroll and select from the users within your organisation, click to add the user to the team.
  5. Under Roles, scroll and select from the custom and system roles in your organisation.
  6. Repeat for each user you’d like to add to the team.
  7. Click Save Changes.

Assigning a user to multiple teams

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Users.
  2. Find the user in the list.
  3. Click the pen icon next to the user you’d like to assign to open their account configuration.
  4. Under Team, scroll and select the team you would like your user to be scoped by, click to add the team to the user.
  5. Under Role, scroll and select the role you would like your user to assume in the team.
  6. Repeat for each team you would like to assign to the user.
  7. Click Save Changes.
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