wallets - Articles Page

Platform Overview


0 min read • Last updated 29 July 2024

This page describes Zitcha’s wallet functionality and how it can be used to track commitment and burn down with your linked organisations.

Networks and advertisers usually have one or more financial agreements and wallets are a useful tool to capture initial agreement and track progress towards meeting a committed spend.

Wallets are a shared resource between a network and an advertiser. For every linked organisation, you will have a shared wallet. A valid wallet must be configured between your organisation and your linked organisation before you can create a plan, ad set or an ad.

All wallets in the Zitcha platform have a required set of basic properties; a name, an initial balance, a start date and end date. Wallets will inherit the currency of the network organisation.

A wallet is the earliest stage of retail media planning that can be represented within the Zitcha platform.

Wallet Components

The components of a wallet allow for flexibility in their configuration and determine a wallets structure:

  • Name: A human-readable name for the wallet. The wallet name is used to identify the wallet when assigning it to a plan.
  • Initial Balance: The starting balance of the wallet. This may represent a total committed value for a Joint Business Plan (JBP).
  • Minimum Balance: The lowest value the wallet can reach before it is no longer able to be used.
  • Start Date: The starting date that the wallet initial balance is valid from.
  • End Date: The last date the wallet can be used, irrespective of spend to date.
  • Additional Info: A description of the wallets function.
  • Allow Overdraw: A flag to indicate whether the balance of the wallet can be negative.
  • Credit Note: An entry that increases the wallets balance.
  • Debit Note: An entry that decreases the wallets balance. I.e. the value of an ad set deducted from the wallet.
  • Net Position: The balance remaining after all credits and debits have been accounted for.
  • Available Balance: The available funds that can be used on a plan.

Note: For wallets that do not allow overdraw, the Net Position and Available Balance will be the same. For wallets that allow overdraw, the available balance is infinite.

Common wallet structures

It is common for a network and an advertiser to share more than one wallet. Two common wallet configurations within Zitcha are:

  1. Terms of trade: The retail media commitment agreed between a network and an advertiser, often as part of a joint business plan. These commitments are often annual.
  2. Over and above: The additional financial commitments or payments made by the advertiser to the network beyond the standard terms of trade. This may be for media activity outside the agreed retail media terms.

Viewing Wallets

To view a wallet as a network:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Supplier section, go to your advertiser.
  2. Click Wallets.
  3. Locate the wallet you’d like to view, click the more icon and select View Transactions.
  4. To download the wallet transactions as a csv file, click Download CSV at the bottom of the page.

To view a wallet as an advertiser:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, within the left menu bar, go to Wallets.
  2. Locate the wallet you’d like to view, click the more icon and select View Transactions.
  3. To download the wallet transactions as a csv file, click Download CSV at the bottom of the page.

Creating Wallets

Wallets are managed by the network only. A user with the Wallet Manager permission will be able to view, create, update and delete wallets within the organisation.

Before you begin: Check if a wallet of the same purpose already exists.

To create a new wallet:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Supplier section, go to the advertiser you wish to create a wallet for.
  2. Click Wallets.
  3. Click + New.
  4. Enter a name, initial balance, start date and end date for your wallet.
  5. Optionally, enter a minimum balance or select if you want to allow wallet overdraw.
  6. Click Create.

You can create multiple wallets for a single advertiser organisation. Once a wallet is created, the linked organisation will be able to view the wallet and its detail.

To assign a wallet to a plan, see creating a plan.

Updating Wallets

Wallets are managed by the network only. A user with the Wallet Manager permission will be able to view, create, update and delete wallets within the organisation.

To update a wallet:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Supplier section, go to the advertiser you wish to update the wallet of.
  2. Click Wallets.
  3. Locate the wallet you’d like to update, click the more icon and select View Transactions.
  4. To add a credit note, click + Add Credit Note, enter a credit amount and a description.
  5. To add a debit note, click - Add Debit Note, enter a debit amount and a description.

Note: Once a transaction note has been added, it cannot be removed.

Burning Down Wallets

Once a wallet is assigned to a plan, the ad sets within the plan will automatically begin burning down the associated wallet. A budget of an ad set is deducted from the wallet when the ad set is approved by the network.

Learn about assigning wallets to a plan

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