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Platform Overview

Platform Terminology

0 min read • Last updated 3 May 2024

This article highlights key terms you'll encounter on the Zitcha Retail Media Platform.

Planning & Execution

  • Order: A collection of ad sets belonging to a Brand within a Retail Media Network.
  • Ad Set: A set of ads that share multiple commonalities. Ad sets reside within an order and can contain one or more ads.
    • Common properties include goal, placement, audience, schedule, and budget.
  • Ad: The individual piece of creative/content delivered to a user.
  • Wallet: A store of committed value that can fund a media plan. A Brand may have multiple wallets.
    • Example: Joint Business Plan (JBP), Terms of Trade, Over and Above.

Scheduling & Distribution

  • Media Type: The medium of an ad.
    • Example: Onsite Banner.
  • Placement: Where an ad is delivered.
  • Schedule: The start and end date of an ad set. Schedules can be configured by the Retail Media Network.
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