approvals - Articles Page

Platform Overview


0 min read • Last updated 30 July 2024

This page describes Zitcha’s approval flow and how you can leverage the review process to control what media goes live on your network.

Ad sets are a shared resource between a network and an advertiser organisation. However, as a network, you have final say on the media that enters your network and reaches your consumers.

All ad sets must be approved before they are eligible to go live. Depending on the information provided in the ad set, the ad set will transition to a state that represents where it is in its lifecycle. An ad set may need to be approved more than once before it is eligible to go live.

Learn more about Ad Set States

Before you begin: You must have review approval permissions to approve an ad set.

To approve an ad set:

  1. Navigate to Plans & Ad Sets > Plans, click the view icon next to the plan that contains your ad set.
  2. Scroll to locate your ad set.
  3. Note the tick and cross action buttons.
  4. Click the view icon to expand the ad set details. Review the details of the ad set.
  5. Click the Ads tab to review the details of the ads within the ad set, including creative.
  6. Once you’ve reviewed your ad set, either:
    1. Click the tick to approve the ad set and transition it to the next state.
    2. Click the cross to reject the ad set and transition it back to draft.
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