users - Articles Page



0 min read • Last updated 20 August 2024

Manage user accounts, roles, and teams on Zitcha with tools for creating, editing, deactivating, and resetting passwords, ensuring streamlined access and control across organisations.

The Zitcha user object represents a user account that has accepted a Zitcha platform invitation, registered their account and is a member of one or multiple organisations. Organisations usually have many registered users and the roles and teams of that user are unique to each organisation the user is a member of.

By default, users will be logged in to their last active organisation.

All users in the Zitcha platform have a fixed set of basic properties; a first name, last name, primary email address and job title. A user must belong to at one team and occupy at least one role per organisation.

The first time a user registers to an organisation, if no team and role have been set, the user is automatically assigned to the Network Team team with the system role of Basic.

Creating a User

Users are managed within the Zitcha platform. A user with the Role Manager permission will be able to view, create, update and delete users, roles and teams across the organisation, regardless of the scope of their team.

To create a new user:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Users
  2. Click Create New User.
  3. Enter the users first name, last name, job title and the email address they will use to access the platform.
  4. All new users must belong to at least one team and occupy a role. From the Role list, click the pills to select the role that you want this user to occupy.
    Learn about Roles & Permissions
  5. From the Team list, click the pills to select the team that you want this user to belong to.
    Learn about Teams
  6. Click Invite User.

If the user email address already exists within Zitcha, the user will receive an invitation to link their account with your organisation.

If the user email address is new, the user will receive a welcome email asking them to register their account and log into the platform.

Editing a User

A user account may be edited to update user details or add/ remove user Teams, Roles & Permissions. Edits to a user impact the user account for the active organisation only. User details will persist against other linked organisations.

To edit an existing user:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Users
  2. Click the pen next to the user that you want to edit.
  3. Choose an action:
    • To edit the name or job title of the user, click into the field and make the changes.
    • To edit the roles and teams associated with the user:
      • Click x on the pill to remove an existing role and team, or;
      • Select a new role and team from the list to assign the user.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Resetting a Users password

To reset a password, you must be a user with the Role Manager permission.

To reset the password of a user:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Users
  2. Click the pen next to the user that you need to reset the password of.
  3. Click Send Password Reset.

An email will be sent to the user guiding them on how to reset their password and access the platform.

Deactivating a User

Users can be deactivated from within the platform. Deactivating a user revokes their access to the platform across all linked organisations. Zitcha keeps a record of deactivated users and their actions whilst active on the platform.

To deactivate a user:

  1. In the Zitcha platform, under the Settings > Organisation section, go to Users
  2. Click the pen next to the user that you need to reset the password of.
  3. Click Deactivate User.
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