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Single Image Content Block - Brand Stores Best Practice

0 min read • Last updated 20 August 2024

Utilize the single image block on Zitcha to add versatile, high-quality images to your brand store, enhancing visual appeal and functionality.

To enhance your brand store on Zitcha, you can utilize the single image block feature. Here's how:

  1. Single Image: This block allows you to upload one image to the page. This image can serve various purposes, such as showcasing products, highlighting promotions, or adding visual appeal to the page.
  2. Adding an Image: Begin by clicking on "Upload Media" to select the image you want to include. After uploading the image, you have the option to link it to either an existing page within the brand store (store link) or an external URL. Once you've configured the image settings, click "save" to apply the changes.

Creative Guidelines for Single Image:

  • File Format: JPEG, PNG
  • File Size: Maximum 5MB
  • Width: 2640px
  • Height: The height can vary, with 1485px (16:9 ratio) or 742px (32:9 ratio) recommended for optimal display. Adjustments can be made based on your design preferences and layout requirements.

By following these creative guidelines and leveraging the single image block feature, you can effectively incorporate visually engaging imagery into your brand store on Zitcha.

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