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Placing ads based on keyword search

0 min read • Last updated 20 August 2024

Discover how to place Sponsored Product and Web Banner ads using keyword search to target high-intent consumers on the Retailer’s website, including how bidding and keyword matching work.

Placing a Sponsored Product Ad or a Web Banner Ad using keyword search enables Suppliers to promote their products on the Retailer’s website when end users are searching for specific keywords. This functionality allows Suppliers to get in front of high-intent consumers when they're looking for a specific item on the Retailer's site.

How does search work?

When placing an order for a Sponsored Product or Web Banner ad, Suppliers will be able to bid specific keywords so that when users are searching for that keyword, their ad will appear.

Suppliers can add positive or negative keywords to their targeting, and determine whether search terms will be an exact or broad match.

Placement Priority

When two Suppliers bid on the same keywords with different amounts, the ad will be served based on which Supplier placed the highest bid. If both Suppliers have the same budget with the same keywords, the Ad will be served on a first-come, first-served basis. Ads are sorted based on their approval time.

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