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Meta MPA Checklist

6 min read • Last updated 20 June 2024

This readiness checklist ensures a smooth integration with Meta MPA, covering all essential steps from Facebook account setup to understanding integration challenges for a successful partnership.

Zitcha simplifies the MPA setup, managing key elements like Facebook Business Manager, Meta App, and brand list onboarding, ensuring efficient troubleshooting.

Checklist Summary

  1. Facebook Account Setup
    1. Retailers must have a Facebook Business Manager account and share access with Zitcha.
    2. Pixel & Conversion API setup must be verified.
    3. The Admin System User linked to the API token should also be a "Finance Editor" in Meta.
  2. Product Feeds
    1. Retailer to provide Zitcha with a public URL for Catalogue Manager data, meeting Meta's specifications.
    2. Zitcha will configure the feed for Meta Catalog Manager.
  3. Meta App
    1. Zitcha needs access to the Brand BMs.
    2. Zitcha will create a Meta App for brand onboarding, requiring the Retailer's Privacy URL and Terms of Service. Details here.
  4. Onboarding
    1. Retailer to supply list of Brands for Zitcha to onboard.
    2. Retailer to provide a product table linking product IDs to Brands or Brand groups.
    3. Zitcha completes the onboarding via the Meta App.

Prepare for a seamless Meta MPA integration with this step-by-step guide, ensuring a smooth transition into your partnership with Meta.

Preparation Phase: Basics

  • Checklist Importance: This checklist aligns you with Zitcha, facilitating a smooth integration.
  • End Goal: A fully operational Meta MPA setup.

Week 1: Foundations

1. Facebook Business Manager Account (Retailer)

  • Create and share access with Zitcha. Ensure the Admin System User is a Finance Editor.
  • Please contact your solutions lead for the relevant email addresses to add to your Business Manager.

2. Public Product Feed (Retailer)

3. Brand Mapping (Retailer)

  • Share a table mapping products to brands or brand groups.

4. Product Feed Configuration (Zitcha)

  • Zitcha updates the feed with a Vendor ID for Facebook catalog upload. Vendor ID is the ID of the vendor/seller that sells the item as described by the Supported Fields Reference.
  • WAIT: Record 100 transactions per brand for Meta eligibility.

Week 2: Progression

5. MPA Setup (Zitcha)

  • Zitcha manages the MPA setup for the Retailer.

6. Brand Details (Retailer)

  • Submit specific details for each brand, including contact, privacy policy, terms, icon, category, and purpose.

7. Brand Integration (Zitcha)

  • Zitcha onboards brands upon achieving Week 1 milestones.

Week 3: Finalization

8. Launch Readiness

  • Verify all setups. Let's launch!

Additional Guidance

Retailer Pixel:

  • Check Pixel status and retargeting audiences.

Conversion API:

  • Confirm API functionality and event communication to Facebook.

Potential Challenges:

  • Credit Lines: Associated credit lines can cause delays.
  • Product Performance: Low sell-through rates might affect MPA eligibility.

Pro Tip:

  • Early access to the product feed expedites the onboarding process.

Keep this guide at hand for a smooth integration. We're here to help every step of the way!

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