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Managing your Organisation’s user accounts

0 min read • Last updated 3 May 2024

The User management section provides an easier way to manage users like updating user permissions, disabling or enabling users, and prompting password resets.

  • To access User Management:
    • Click the Settings menu and select Org. Settings.
    • In your organization settings, click the Team Members tab. This page allows you to have a quick view of your team member permissions, status, and user details:
  • Roles and Status:
  • Green Active icon shows that the user is active, which means the user can log in to Zitcha.
  • Red Inactive icon shows that the user is inactive and can no longer log in to Zitcha.
  • Updating user details, role, or status:
    1. Click the name of the user. This will display the 'User Details' page.
    2. You can update the following details for the user:
      • First name, Last name, and Job title.
      • Permissions: Click the dropdown menu under Role to select the level of access you'd like the user to have.
      • Status: Toggle the Is Active button to enable or disable their status.

  1. Click Save Changes to update any changes.
  • To prompt Password reset:
  • Click the dropdown below User Operations.
  • Select Reset user’s password.
  • Click Perform Action button.
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