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How can I duplicate an order?

0 min read • Last updated 20 August 2024

Streamline your ordering process with Zitcha’s duplicate feature

To save time creating orders, Zitcha allows you to duplicate an existing order, regardless of its status. A duplicated order will keep all its original ad settings and assets so that you can modify the order and update it as required.

Any changes you make to a duplicated order will not affect the original order.

Both Retailers and Suppliers can duplicate orders.

  • To duplicate an order, click on the Orders menu. Then click the order you'd like to duplicate.
  • Click the dropdown button on the upper-right-hand side of the order and select Duplicate Order. The original order will be saved and still accessible through the Orders page.
  • You’ll switch automatically to the duplicated order. You’ll see the order is renamed with duplicate appended to the title.
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