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The Strategic Benefits of Sponsored Products and Always-On Campaigns

0 min read • Last updated 20 August 2024

Maximise sales and brand awareness on Zitcha with sponsored products and always-on campaigns, ensuring both immediate impact and sustained visibility in the retail media landscape.

In the competitive world of retail media, standing out is essential for driving sales and brand awareness. One effective strategy is investing in sponsored products and always-on campaigns. This article will explore the benefits of these approaches and how they can enhance your marketing efforts on the Zitcha platform.

Sponsored Products: Maximising Visibility and Engagement

What Are Sponsored Products? Sponsored products are ads that appear alongside organic search results, often placed in prominent positions to capture the attention of potential customers. These ads are typically shown based on relevance to the user's search query and bidding strategy.

Benefits of Sponsored Products:

  1. Increased Visibility:
    • Sponsored products appear at the top of search results, ensuring that your products are seen by a larger audience.
    • They are prominently displayed, making it more likely for users to notice and click on them.
  2. Enhanced Engagement:
    • These ads target users actively searching for products similar to yours, leading to higher engagement rates.
    • By being relevant to user queries, sponsored products can drive more qualified traffic to your listings.
  3. Boosted Sales:
    • Increased visibility and engagement often translate into higher conversion rates.
    • Sponsored products can help move inventory faster and increase overall sales performance.
  4. Brand Awareness:
    • Consistent presence in search results helps build brand recognition.
    • Even if users do not click immediately, repeated exposure can influence future purchasing decisions.

Always-On Campaigns: Sustained Impact and Consistency

What Are Always-On Campaigns? Always-on campaigns are advertising strategies that run continuously over an extended period, rather than being limited to specific time frames or events. These campaigns ensure a constant presence in the market, maintaining ongoing visibility and engagement.

Benefits of Always-On Campaigns:

  1. Consistent Presence:
    • Always-on campaigns ensure that your brand is consistently visible to potential customers.
    • This constant presence helps maintain brand awareness and keeps your products top-of-mind.
  2. Sustained Engagement:
    • By being always active, these campaigns can capture users at various stages of their buying journey.
    • Continuous exposure increases the likelihood of user interaction and eventual conversion.
  3. Data-Driven Optimization:
    • Long-term campaigns provide more data, allowing for better analysis and optimization.
    • Advertisers can fine-tune bidding strategies based on performance insights.
  4. Adaptability:
    • Always-on campaigns can quickly adapt to market changes, trends, and seasonal variations.
    • This flexibility ensures that your advertising efforts remain relevant and effective throughout the year.

Strategic Advantages of Combining Sponsored Products and Always-On Campaigns

  1. Comprehensive Coverage:
    • Combining these strategies ensures that your brand is visible in both high-traffic moments and consistently throughout the year.
    • Sponsored products can capture immediate intent, while always-on campaigns build long-term brand loyalty.
  2. Maximised ROI:
    • The synergy between sponsored products and always-on campaigns can maximise your return on investment.
    • Sponsored products drive immediate sales, while always-on campaigns nurture customer relationships and repeat purchases.
  3. Competitive Edge:
    • Maintaining a consistent presence helps you stay ahead of competitors who may only advertise sporadically.
    • Continuous engagement with your audience strengthens your market position and brand equity.


Investing in sponsored products and always-on campaigns offers a strategic advantage in the retail media landscape. Sponsored products maximise visibility and drive immediate sales, while always-on campaigns ensure sustained brand presence and engagement. Together, these approaches can enhance your marketing efforts, boost sales performance, and build long-term customer loyalty on the Zitcha platform.

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